Open data for everyone

The sOX Project

sOX is an end-to-end wide and open network into which anyone can add sensors which measure and record live sensor readings of almost any description.  The data recorded is accessible to the world, either directly, online or via the API. The sOX network is for:

  • Schools
    E.g. Run STEM classes using actual live local air data.
  • Communities
    E.g. Display traffic information to cars flagging their pollution impact.
  • Businesses
    E.g. Manage or vary customer or supplier arrival routes by air quality or noise live across the day or night.


Build a sensor

It's easier than you think to contribute to the project.


Read the docs

Follow our simple guides to develop sensors for your home or workplace.

Connect the hardware

Connect your sensor to a Raspberry Pi, Ardunio or Microprocessor board

Write some simple code

Write simple code or use our examples to push live sensor data to the sOX API

Change your world for the better.

Project supporters